About Us
As the 1940's progressed, Cleaning Ideas Corp. continued to expand to keep up with the growing demand for their exceptional products. In the 1950's one of the company's sales persons made a sales call on a dairy in Falfurias, Texas. The customer had several automatic milking machines that were developing calcium deposits when the milk would dry during the filling process. The customer could not find any product to remove the calcium deposits from the filling heads. Upon hearing of the customers needs, the company's chemist developed a product that would sanitize the vacuum filling heads, thus the name of the product Sanivac was decided.
The product called Sanivac Lime Remover was such a success the company convinced a local grocery store chain to carry Sanivac on their shelves in quart containers. The product became the best selling lime & hard water cleaner on the shelf and distribution was expanded to additional grocery stores throughout the state of Texas.